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超越紙張 | 《版畫360系列》工作坊 ⑤ 減版木刻|紙本之外【版畫360系列】工作坊 ⑤ 減版木刻

超越紙張 | 《版畫360系列》工作坊 ⑤ 減版木刻|紙本之外【版畫360系列】工作坊 ⑤ 減版木刻

定價 HK$2,580.00
定價 售價 HK$2,580.00
特價 售罄


版畫家林樂新擅以木刻捕捉細膩的情緒流動。由他擔任這次的工作坊導師,參加者將嘗試雕刻印版、拆分顏色等套色油印木刻的步驟,並體驗人手或雷射的製版方法。這是來年展覽「細說從頭:鴨巴甸街的印藝傳奇」的首場延伸活動,萬勿錯過 .ᐟ.ᐟ


日期&時間 下午7:00-10:00,星期五



地點 HKOP The Print Lab (石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心8樓L8-06室)
費用 HK$2580
對象 16歲或以上、對凸版畫有興趣的初學者
名額 12人
語言 廣東話輔以英語

關於導師 →  林樂新畢業於中央美術學院版畫系,現為香港版畫工作室高級技術主任。他主要以木刻為創作媒介,探索印痕和現成物的相互結合如何敘事表達,把生活的痕跡融入版畫創作。他的作品曾入選「第二十屆全國版畫作品展」,並獲收藏;亦曾入選「2015觀瀾國際版畫雙年展」。他曾參與的展覽包括「創作的未來」聯展(嘉圖畫廊,2023)、「解/拆邊界:亞際木刻版畫實踐」聯展(東京藝術大學陳列館,2023)。

Since the advent of the Modern Woodcut Movement, woodcut printing has evolved from a mere tool for disseminating knowledge into a vibrant medium for artistic expression. Holding a knife, carving, rolling ink, applying just the right amount of pressure to transfer raised images from woodblock to paper—the beauty of woodcut printing lies in this dynamic collision of forces. Printmakers infuse their emotions and thoughts into every mark  made with their knives, creating unique visual effects.

Printmaker Lam Lok-san @lamloksan specialises in capturing subtle emotional nuances through woodcut printing. With San as the instructor for this workshop, you will explore the processes of colour woodcut printing, including hand-carving and separating colours, while carving woodblock using  laser cutting. This is the first activity for the upcoming exhibition Through Time: Print Art in Aberdeen Street - don't miss it .ᐟ.ᐟ

Image| Lam Lok-san, So Close, So Far—Bridge, 2024

Date&Time 7:00-10:00p.m., Friday
2024.11.01 (Session 1)
2024.11.08 (Session 2)
2024.11.15 (Session 3)
2024.11.22 (Session 4)
2024.11.29 (Session 5)  
Venue HKOP The Print Lab (L8-06, 8/F, JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei)
Fee  HK$2580

(*enjoy an early-bird discount HK$2380 before 2024.10.25)
Target Participants Beginners aged 16 or above,  interested in relief printing
Quota 12
Language Cantonese supplemented with English

About Instructor → Lam Lok-san graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing with a major in printmaking and currently works as a senior technical officer at HKOP. He mainly focuses on woodcut printing, exploring how the combination of printing traces, images and ready-made objects can express narratives, and integrate traces of life into printmaking. His works have been showcased in the 20th National Printmaking Exhibition and the Guanlan International Printmaking Biennale. Exhibitions he has participated in include The Future of Creation (Grotto Gallery, 2023) and Debordering: Woodcut Printmaking Practice in Inter-Asian Context (Chinretsukan Gallery, Tokyo University of the Arts, 2023).


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1. 名額有限,先到先得。 (有特殊要求的車間除外)

2. 報名後若缺席或要求取消,恕不退款、補補或調換下一期工作坊。

3. 考慮到健康與安全,香港版畫館保留取消或延後調整活動細節(即日期、工作坊形式)的權利。請留意香港音樂學院Facebook專頁以獲取最新消息。
