Collection: Nicolas HO Sheung-yan 何尚恩

何尚恩畢業於香港浸會大學地理系,畢業後赴日,於東京創形美術學校修讀版畫。他回港後獲得2020/2021年度香港版畫工作室年獎,並於同年舉辦首次個人展覽 ——「柔和之光」。現時,他以絲印及木刻為主要創作媒介。

Nicolas HO Sheung-yan graduated with a degree in Geography from Hong Kong Baptist University and later pursued the study of printmaking at Sokei Academy of Fine Art and Design in Tokyo, Japan. He was awarded the HKOP Award in Printmaking 2020-2021 and had his first solo exhibition, 'Softened', at the HKOP Gallery. His primary practices in printmaking include screen printing and Mokuhanga (water-based woodblock printing).