【南倫美:新盆景|Yoonmi Nam: Arranged Flowers】攝影平版畫示範 Photolithography Demonstration
【南倫美:新盆景|Yoonmi Nam: Arranged Flowers】攝影平版畫示範 Photolithography Demonstration
[Details | 活動詳情]
日期 Date|2024.6.8 (六 | Sat)
時間 Time|下午 2:30 PM -下午 5:30 PM
地點 Venue|香港版畫工作室 HKOP The Print Lab
導師 Instructor|南倫美 Yoonmi Nam
語言 Language|英語 English
費用 Fee|免費 Free of Charge
名額 Quota|15
平版石印於18世紀發明。德國劇作家Alois Senefelder因無法負擔出版劇本的費用,嘗試以自行印製及出版的方式減低成本,並在過程中試驗出平版石印的方法。後期隨著科技發展,漸漸發展出攝影平版畫的印刷方法。
Lithography was invented in the late 18th century. A German playwright named Alois Senefelder experimented to print and publish his own plays, as he could not afford to have them published. He then discovered a new printing technique called Lithography, which was widely adapted for centuries after. Over time, as printing technology advanced, a technique called photolithography was developed.
The printing plate for photolithography is coated with a light-sensitive coating, which allows the image to be transferred photographically. This process can produce fine dots, lines, and gradients of color, making it well-suited for reproducing images. It can also capture the hand-drawn texture and brushstrokes, as well as subtle colour variations.
Compared to other printing methods like relief or intaglio, photolithography is generally less costly and more efficient. Making it widely used for commercial printing.
In this demonstration, Yoonmi will walk through the printing process of photolithography, to showcase the fine texture that the technique can create.
美籍韓裔藝術家南倫美(Yoonmi Nam)為堪薩斯大學(University of Kansas)版畫系教授,曾於多個版畫及藝術機構駐留,作品被RISD美術館等收藏。南倫美擅以觀察生活周遭事物的關係,並以此作為題材創作。現於香港版畫工作室駐留。是次展覽主要展出其水印木刻及攝影平版的作品。
About Yoonmi Nam
Yoonmi Nam, a Korean-American artist, is a professor of printmaking at the University of Kansas. She has participated in various artist residencies and her works are collected by institutions such as the RISD Museum of Art.
Yoonmi is interested in the observation and depiction of everyday objects and occurrences. The engagement in quiet observation of things around her always brings her inspiration. Currently in residence at Hong Kong Open Printshop. The exhibition mainly features Yoonmi’s Mokuhanga and Lithography prints.
* 香港藝術發展局支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。
* Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.