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版畫360工作坊系列 Printmaking 360 Workshop Series → ②隨心畫 隨意印 In search of Images

版畫360工作坊系列 Printmaking 360 Workshop Series → ②隨心畫 隨意印 In search of Images

Regular price HK$2,580.00
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在視覺媒體主導的世代,圖像愈為重要。若你從未受過藝術訓練,但又想創作獨一無二的圖像,這次工作坊屬不二之選。由本地藝術家高天恩指導,此工作坊鼓勵參加者以不同顏色、物料、技法探索製圖方法,隨心畫,隨意印,並試印獨幅版畫作品。這是來年展覽「細說從頭:鴨巴甸的印藝傳奇」的延伸活動,萬勿錯過 .ᐟ.ᐟ

圖1-2|高天恩:《Let’s Bath in the Light》,2022

日期 & 時間 下午7:00-10:00,星期四



地點 The Print Lab (石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心8樓L8-06室)
費用 HK$2580
對象 16歲或以上、對圖像創作有興趣的初學者
名額 12人
語言 廣東話


關於導師 → 高天恩先後獲美國加州州立大學繪畫學士學位以及香港大學文學及文化研究碩士學位,並在本港多間大學的藝術與設計課程中任教,包括香港大學專業進修學院、香港浸會大學、香港理工大學、薩凡納藝術設計(香港)大學、香港嶺南大學及香港藝術學院 / 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學。

In an era dominated by visual media, images are becoming increasingly important. If you have never taken art training but have always dreamed of creating your own unique images, this workshop is the perfect choice. Instructed by local artist Celia Ko Tin-yan, the workshop encourages participants to explore various image-making methods using different colours, materials, and techniques—painting freely, printing freely. Participants will also have the chance to create images through monoprinting. This is one of the activities for the upcoming exhibition Through Time: Print Art in Aberdeen Street—don't miss it.ᐟ.ᐟ

Image 1-2|Celia Ko Tin-yan, Let’s Bath in the Light, oil on canvas, 2022 
Image 3|Celia Ko Tin-yan, ink wash on ink pen crosshatch on conqueror paper, 2024

Date & Time 7:00-10:00p.m., Thursday
2025.01.02 (Session 1)
2025.01.09 (Session 2)
2025.01.16 (Session 3)
2025.01.23 (Session 4)
2025.02.06 (Session 5)  
Venue The Print Lab (L8-06, 8/F, JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei)
Fee  HK$2580

(*enjoy an early-bird discount HK$2380 before 2024.12.22)
Target Participants Beginners aged 16 or above,  interested in image-making
Quota 12
Language Cantonese


About the Instructor → Celia Ko Tin-yan graduated with a BFA in drawing and painting from California State University, USA. She later earned her MA in Literary and Cultural Studies at The University of Hong Kong. She also teaches art and design at various universities in Hong Kong, including HKU SPACE, Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Savannah College of Art and Design(HK), Lingnan University, and Hong Kong Art School/RMIT.

The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

HKOP will utilise the revenue generated from this programme to match the Springboard Grant under the 13th round Funding Exercise of the ACDFS

注意事項 Warm Reminder




①Spaces are limited and will be on a first come first serve basis. (Except for the event with special requirements)

②If participants are absent from the event or request cancellation after enrollment, no refund, make-up event or exchange for the next events will be allowed.

③Hong Kong Open Printshop reserves all rights to cancel or postpone and adjust the details of the activities (i.e. date, event form) . Please stay tuned to HKOP’s social media for announcements.

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