商品系列: LAU Ka-chun, Jay 劉家俊

劉家俊於香港中文大學藝術系先後修畢本科及藝術碩士課程,2019年獲香港版畫工作室「Hong Kong Fine Print」獎。 他專注於探索版畫、攝影及印模等複製技術,以及如何製作及再現圖像。他運用圖像製造的過程中所涉及的技術,拼合各種材料、圖像及媒體,強調物料的物理特性和文化內容,從而豐富圖像的內涵和可塑性。

Lau Ka-chun obtained a Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Fine Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 2019, he was awarded the "Hong Kong Fine Print" by the Hong Kong Open Printshop. Jay Lau focuses on exploring how printmaking, photography, and moulding techniques can be used to create and represent images. He combines various materials, images, and media using the technical processes involved in image-making, emphasising the physical properties and cultural content of the materials in order to broaden the content and meaning of the images.